Conveyancing and Property
We are centred in one of New Zealand’s most productive regions.
Use our broad experience and expertise.

Our Team will make a difference to your experience.
Whether it’s your first or last home, or your first or last business, our firm will give you the practical advice and assistance you need that comes from our broad experience and expertise.
Areas of Conveyancing and Property we specialise in:
- Sale and purchase agreements
- Property sharing agreements
- Subdivisions
- Cross leases
- Easements
- Sale and purchase agreements
- Partnerships
- Lease negotiations and documentation
- Rent reviews
- Dispute resolution
Relationship Property
- Asset protection advice
- Family trusts
- Property Relationship and pre-nuptial agreements
- De facto property agreements
- Property division
- Tax advice
- Personal guarantees
- Insurance
- Litigation and disputes resolution